Restoring Our Religious Freedom 17th Annual Patriotic Prayer Service July 5, 2020. This morning, the American flag, flown for the past year in honor of Rich Szymborski. He will be remembered always as an untiring servant of the Lord, his Faith, family, and friends. This morning, a new American flag, flown over the Capitol of the United States, is raised in memory of Sir Knight Carl W. Kaufman, our Brother Knight. Carl used his Faith to preserve our Religious and Civil Liberties. He is the Founder of this annual Patriotic Prayer Service, and through his singular commitment, incorporated the Prayer for Religious Liberty we offer in our everyday Mass. He will also be remembered always as an untiring servant of the Lord, his Faith, family, and friends. We must never end our prayers to God asking for his help in our efforts to preserve our Freedoms and to be delivered from evil.